Watch Lists

The Watch List tool allows you to monitor a wide range of streaming market data (Last Trade, Volume, etc.) about securities of interest to you.

You can also take a variety of actions from your Watch List, such as initiating a trade, getting news and quotes, and setting an alert. Right-click on any symbol in your Watch List to access these features.

For more information on the Watchlist, visit the Quick Reference Guide.

Note: Use the Actions menu button to access many of the features listed below.

You may have up to 8 Watch List tools open across all your open layouts. Individual Watch List tools can have up to 20 tabs each, with 150 symbols. You can also save up to 20 tabs to the software (but save as many as you wish to a local hard drive using the Save as File feature).

Create a new Watch List tab

  1. Right-click on the tab at the top of any Watch List and select New Watch List or click the + next to the tabs.
  2. Enter symbols in the Add Symbol(s) field. Add multiple symbols at once by adding a comma between each symbol.
  3. Click Add or press Enter to populate the list with the symbols you've entered.

TIP: To make entering option symbols easier, use the copy and paste feature.

Start a trade from a Watch List

Watch lists offer two ways to load a trade ticket with a Watch List symbol:

Name (or Rename) a Watch List

  1. Double click on the tab name. You can also right-click on the tab name and select Rename [tab name]
  2. The name field becomes highlighted and editable and you can type a new name.
  3. Press Enter to finalize the new name.

TIP: You can also rename one or more saved Watch Lists by right-clicking on the tab name and selecting Manage Saved Watch Lists. Click the pencil icon next to the list you wish to rename.

Grouping Symbols in a Watch List

Organize your Watch List symbols by grouping them together. There are two primary ways to group symbols in your Watch List

  1. Add a new group by clicking Add Group. Give the group a name, and then enter symbols, each separated by a comma, and click Add. The new group will display at the bottom of the list, but you can drag it to a new position in the list as you wish.
  2. You can also add a new group by right-clicking in the Watch List and selecting Insert Group. The group will be added in the row above the highlighted symbol and you will be prompted to enter a name for the group. From there, you can either drag symbols into the group or right-click on the group and select Insert Symbol.
  3. Right-click on a group or symbols within a group to edit or delete them. You can also move symbols in and out of groups by drag-and-drop.

TIP: Groups can be expanded or contracted by clicking the yellow arrow next to the group name.

Save a Watch List

Open a saved Watch List

To open a Watch List in a new tab, right-click the + next to the tabs in the Watch List window, then take one of the steps below.

Reordering Symbol Lists

Manually organize the symbols in a list by dragging and dropping symbols within a list. Click a symbol and drag it to a new position in the list. A black bar indicates where the symbol will be located when you release the mouse button.

Duplicate a Watch List

If you want to open another tab identical to an existing Watch List, right-click on the tab at the top of the Watch List and select Duplicate [tab name].

Close a Watch List Tab

Click the X in the tab to close it, or right-click on the tab name select Close [tab name]. Closing a tab removes it from your Watch List window but does not permanently delete it.

Delete (permanently) a Watch List

Delete one or more saved Watch Lists by selecting Manage Saved Watch Lists from the right-click menu and clicking the x next to the list you wish to delete.

Clear ALL symbols from a Watch List:

  1. Right-click on the tab of the Watch List you want to clear and select Clear All Symbols.
  2. Confirm that you wish to permanently delete all symbols from this list.

Export a Watch List

  1. Right-click in the Watch List or on the tab name, or click the Actions button, and select Export.
  2. Select the save location and enter a name for the export file, if you wish to change it from the default, and click Save.

Sync a Watch List

By left clicking on the ‘Sync’ button, the current Watch List will be made available on as well as the Schwab Mobile App. Changes to Symbols and Title become a saved event, overriding the current template and thus replicated across StreetSmart Edge,, and the Schwab Mobile App.

Also, watch lists that have been created on and the Schwab Mobile App will be available on StreetSmart Edge via the Open Watch List menu identified with a green cloud sync icon.

  1. Make the desired changes to a Watch List without exceeding 40 symbols.
  2. Un-syncing (Sync Off) the Watch List will remove it from the other applications.

NOTE: Syncing does not support ‘Groups’, therefore, when a Watch List with a Group is present syncing will not be available.

Adjust Font Settings

  1. From the right-click or Actions menu, select Font...
  2. In the Font window, you can adjust the size of the type in the Watch List tool, as well as make the text bold and/or italicized by clicking the B or I buttons, respectively.

TIP: Check Apply to All Watch List tabs if you want the font settings to apply to all Watch List tabs.

Adjust Color Settings

  1. From the right-click or Actions menu, select Colors...
  2. In the Colors window, you can customize the colors of each element, from background and highlight colors to font colors.
  3. Click Reset to Default Colors should you wish to return to the original colors.

TIP: Check Apply to all Watch List tabs at the bottom of the Colors window if you want the color settings to apply to all Watch List tabs.

Import a Watch List

To import an external Watch List into StreetSmart Edge, complete the following steps:

  1. Open Notepad in your computer. Copy your list of ticker symbols in into the Notepad file.
  2. Save the file as a .STK while Type is set to “All Files”.
  3. Go to StreetSmart Edge and open the Watch List window.
  4. Click on Actions and select “Open StreetSmart Pro Stocklist”.
  5. Navigate to your .STK file and open.